Spinal orthotics
Spinal orthoses are used to support individuals who have muscle weakness, paralysis or skeletal problems. Spinal orthoses aim to:
- Control excessive or undesirable motion
- Control instability
- Improve alignment
- Reduce pain
The design of a spinal orthosis will vary depending on the desired outcome. At Leeds Orthotics we provide patients with access to the leading spinal orthotic devices.
What can spinal orthoses be used to treat?
A spinal orthosis can be used to treat a number of conditions, including:
- Spinal trauma, including fractures
- Back pain
- Poor posture
- Curvature of the spine, including scoliosis
- Muscle weakness and reduced mobility
- Herniated disc
- Osteoarthritis
- Rheumatoid arthritis
- Motor neurone disease
- Osteoporosis
- Kyphosis
- Spinal stenosis
- Spondylolisthesis
How do you wear a spinal orthosis?
A spinal orthosis is usually worn over a thin layer of clothing or directly against the skin. Some designs allow clothing to be worn over the top.
What is the process for a patient to receive a spinal orthosis?
The process to receive a spinal orthotic would be:
- Initial assessment
- Fitting appointment
- Review
In order to make use of the most effective type of spinal orthosis, your orthotist will complete an assessment. This will include discussion of your current condition along with your requirements from the treatment. Your orthotist will then be able to select the most appropriate spinal orthotic. Your orthotist will need to take a series of measurements to ensure the device chosen is the correct size, they may also need to take a cast or a scan of your torso if your spinal orthosis is to be custom made. Once the device is with us in clinic, your orthotist will ensure the orthosis fits correctly and that you are able to fit and remove the device yourself. You will also be taught how to care for the orthosis. After taking the device away with you and wearing for a period of time you will attend a review appointment where your orthotist will advise you of any changes to your treatment plan or make any adjustments.
How long will I need to wear the orthosis?
The length of time spent wearing a spinal orthosis will depend on the reason for wearing it. Some conditions such as spinal fractures may only require shorter term use whilst others may require long term use of a spinal orthosis. Some conditions may be best managed by wearing an orthosis at certain times where the spine is under increased stress, such as heavy lifting or sitting upright for extended periods.
To arrange an appointment call Leeds Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at office@leedsorthotics.co.uk