Neck orthoses

Leeds Orthotics have access to a wide range of neck orthoses which provide effective treatment for a number of conditions. The aim of treatment with a neck orthosis or collar is to support the neck and usually prevent motion to aid recovery following injury to the cervical spine.

Neck orthoses typically come in two general types: soft and rigid. Your orthotist will be able to help you understand which orthosis is the best one for you.

What can neck orthoses be used to treat?

Neck and shoulder orthoses can be used to treat a range of conditions, including:

  • Neck pain
  • Neck instability
  • Fractures
  • Recovery from stroke
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Cervical spondylitis
  • Arthritis (Rheumatoid or Osteo)
  • Motor neurone disease
  • Hypermobility
  • Congenital Torticollis

Who would be suitable for a neck orthosis?

Anyone suffering with a condition which causes discomfort or pain in the neck region might benefit from a neck orthosis. Orthoses can be used to aid recovery from an injury by immobilising or stabilising the affected area, or allow pain to be controlled by restricting movement at targeted areas.

Head Up Collar

Originally developed for patients suffering from motor neurone disease, the Head Up Collar is now commonly prescribed for a range of conditions. The collar is adjustable meaning that it can be altered either in clinic or at home to provide the level of support required to be effective depending on a patient’s needs. Leeds Orthotics provide patients with access to the Head Up Collar.

How do you wear a neck orthosis?

The orthosis is usually worn over your clothing and typically has fastenings made from velcro to secure and adjust the collar. Your orthotist will ensure that you are confident to fit, adjust and care for your orthosis before you take it away from the clinic. Collars can be made from breathable materials for comfort and practicality and come in a variety of designs depending on the conditions they are designed to treat.

What is the process for a patient to receive a neck or shoulder orthosis?

As with any orthosis, the first step would be to arrange to visit one of our clinics and have one of our orthotists undertake an initial assessment, before advising you of their findings and making the relevant decisions about your treatment with you. A fitting appointment would be made to ensure the device fits correctly and will achieve the desired treatment goals. During this fitting appointment your orthotist will talk you through how to put the orthosis on correctly, how to adjust if necessary and how to care for you device. After you have been wearing the device for a short time, a review appointment offers you a chance to meet with your orthotist and assess the progress that you have made through treatment. Your orthotist will advise you of any changes to be made to your treatment routine as your treatment progresses.

How long will I need to wear the orthosis?

The period of time an individual needs to wear a neck orthosis depends upon the goal of the treatment. Some individuals only need to wear an orthosis for a short period of time to aid recovery, whilst some conditions may require a longer term solution. Your orthotist will advise you when and for how long to wear the device during your fitting appointment and will advise you if this has changed during your follow up review appointment.

To arrange an appointment call Leeds Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at

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Alternatively, you can call Leeds Orthotics now on 0330 088 3949, or email us at